Monday, August 11, 2008

The Lost Has Been Found

Oh, God is so good! My Bible has been found! I know you are going to ask where I found it and actually it was never lost but misplaced by yours truly. I have no idea how it got downstairs in my cumputer closet but it did. I must have gone down to file some papers and put my Bible down on a stool and there it has been ever since. The feeling I had when I saw it was overjoy; it is so hard to explain for you to understand unless you have gone thru a death of a close loved one. My Bible to me is my lifeline and I know I could go and get another but this one was so special to me; you see, every day I would read scripture to Roger from this Bible. If he was sitting down in his (Archie) chair, lying in bed at night, or lying in his hospital bed, he would ask me to read scripture to him. Reading God's Word did an amazing thing for both of us; It had us focus on God and His promises rather than our fears of what the future would hold for us. My Bibles are very special to me because I want to give each of my boys one when the Lord calls me home. I know how special that was for them when they each received one of Roger's. Carrie, my daughter-in-law, e-mailed me to tell me that she is not going to believe that the Bible is lost but that I would find it and she was right. She knows me well!

God is faithful in the little things so just think how faithful He is in the big stuff. Whatever you are going thru right now, don't give up. Read His Word and digest it and cling to it.


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