Friday, July 18, 2008

The Touch

I was sitting here looking at my screen saver picture. It is our family picture that was taken in December. Roger has his arm around my waist. Oh, how I miss his touch. I miss so much about him; his laugh, his walking in the door from work saying the king is home, his calls during the day to see how I am doing, our prayer times together, our walks in the summer, our going to Jason's games and then stopping to get an ice cream cone, playing games together, him holding my hand as we watched TV together, going to church together, going out to eat together and his voice. Oh his voice. How quickly my mind has forgotten his tone. I hate that; it is so hard not to be able to remember his voice. As you can tell, I am having a missing Roger party by myself. Oops that is wrong! God must have known I needed someone to cry with. My sweet niece, Barb, just called and we cried together. She is my PEBBLE. She use to call herself my rock but we cry so much together that she has been given the title of pebble instead. I love when she calls because I know she allows me to cry and that she feels the same way and doesn't think that she cant't shed tears with me. Tears are so healing; the shortest verse in the Bible is Jesus wept. He wept tears of sorrow over the death of someone he loved, Lazurus. He wept even when He knew He would see his friend again because He would raise him from the dead. I weep over the death of someone I love and I know I will see him again, too. What a wonderful, joyous reunion that will be. Something to look forward to and then I will hear Roger's voice again and no longer forget the sound.


At July 25, 2008 at 5:13 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Morning Joyce,

Just checking in to see how you're doing. I too miss Roger, though perhaps not as keenly as you. We'll keep you in our prayers as you continue to grieve and move forward without your mate.

Pressing on to higher ground,

Art and Renee


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