Saturday, December 27, 2008


What a beautiful Christmas I had! You might be wondering how I can say that when Roger wasn't with me. Oh, you would be wrong. He was with me. He was with me thru our boys. He will always be with me thru them. They are so special to me and I know he loved them dearly. How proud he would be of them this Christmas season. They made me feel loved and special and so did my girls. We decided to be brave and watch some past Christmas'. That was good; I didn't want Roger not to be part of our time together on Christmas Eve. It was hard seeing him and hearing his voice singing all of the Christmas songs he loved. It reminded me that he is still singing but in a bigger and better way; face to face with Jesus. What a choir he must be in. I can just hear him singing with the gusto he always had when he sang to the Lord.

Christmas day we went our separate ways but I was still being taken care of. I went with my brother, Marlin and sister-in-law, Wilma to their lake home and spent the night with my wonderful family. My sweet niece, Barb and her husband, Blaine brought me back to the cities with them. They spoil me and I have to admit I love it; that helps the loss.

I took my third and last pill today. A total of 1700mg today. God has been answering prayers greatly. Barb prayed for me this morning before I took my pill and I am feeling great so far. Yesterday at the lake, my great niece, Breanne, prayed for me before taking the other pills and I felt great all day. Before having this lung infection, I didn't seem to ask people to pray for me as much as I do now. Could that be one of the reasons that I am going thru this; humbling me to ask for prayer? I know I have many people praying for me; I am sure the circuits are busy to the Lord. Now we have to remember not only to ask but to praise Him before anything else.


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