Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

For all you mother's that will read this, I wish you a blessed day. "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her" Proverbs 31:28. A blessed day that will be filled with God's love, a blessed day that is not dependent on if you are spending it with your children or not. Even if you can't be with your children on Mother's Day, you will be in their thoughts and their hearts. You are a mother every day not just on that one day. I know with my children, I am loved and special to them every day. I won't be able to spend the day with my kids but that is okay because I know I have their love every day of the week. Tomorrow will be another first for me; first Mother's Day without Roger. I always told Roger that he didn't have to get me a gift because I was not his mother but he always gave me a beautiful card thanking me for being the mother of his children. Tomorrow morning that card won't be waiting for me on the kitchen table. I won't hear, "Happy Mother's Day" from the father of my children. There are so many firsts in my life now. More than I ever thought possible. I guess that shows that life does go on and the healing starts to begin; slowly at first but probably will pick up speed as the months and years go by. I thank the Lord for the wonderful memories I will always have of Roger; those memories will always be mine and those memories will always keep Roger alive in my heart. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. I can't take credit for that saying but it is so true. The memory of Roger is my treasure.


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